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Living Life Naturally

Aug 31, 2020

About Klana:

Klana, The ‘Magnificent Life‘ Leader is a transformation catalyst, multidimensional healer, certified Sexological Bodyworker, and author of three books.

She worked in the corporate world for 30 years before she followed her curiosity to explore and discover her true purpose. Being devoted to her...

Aug 24, 2020

About Karen Sammer:

Karen Sammer is a ten-year breast cancer survivor and a two-year spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) heart attack survivor. 

Karen retired from her corporate job as Director, Tax Audits, and now works with women who are living with or are at risk for developing heart disease or other...

Aug 17, 2020

About Catherine Toon:

Catherine is an anointed author, speaker, coach, and retired physician. An ordained Apostle and Prophet, she has ministered for decades to thousands.

In 2016, she founded Imprint, LLC, dedicated to restoring wholeness, revealing identity, and releasing destiny through the unveiling of God’s...