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Living Life Naturally

Aug 30, 2023

About Natasha Trenev:

Natasha Trenev is the Mother of Probiotics. Her extensive experience and knowledge of the industry began with her family’s 750-year history of producing the most beneficial yogurt prized by the royal family of Yugoslavia. Natasha is the Founder and President of Natren Inc. Natren’s probiotic...

Aug 28, 2023

About Dr Grace:

Seasoned Doctor of Chiropractic, Integrative Medicine, and food specialist, Dr. Grace is a Wisconsin native who was the first Olympic-level rhythmic gymnast in our state. Her life as an elite athlete merged with geeky scientist after becoming a doctor and practicing in San Francisco and Beverly Hills...

Aug 23, 2023

About Beatrice Caffrey:

After a long career in the hospitality industry, Beatrice turned her interest to Health, Wellness and Nutrition. Going through perimenopause and then menopause herself, she realized how important lifestyle was to her feeling her best at this stage of her life.

She now helps women navigate this...

Aug 21, 2023

About Dr. Nathan Goodyear:

Dr. Goodyear’s passion for Wellness began with his own 100-pound post-college football career weight loss. Dr. Goodyear is currently the medical director of a holistic, integrative cancer healing center in Arizona where he uses the principles and science of holistic, natural, and...

Aug 14, 2023

About Natalie Bailey:

Natalie Bailey is a Property Developer and Coach and Mentor. Having over 10 years’ experience in running businesses, including Bars, Gyms and eCommerce she now has a property development business with her business partner and Mum, Paula. She helps others be more confident and successful in...